Tell Me About the Soup Kitchen >>

How Can I Donate My Time? >>

How Can I Help Resource the Kitchen? >>

Who Supports the Soup Kitchen? >>

What's Going On this Month? >>

... to the Peace River Community Soup Kitchen web site where you will find all the information you need about our community soup kitchen in Peace River, Alberta.

"Caring for Our Community"





Notice of Annual

General Meeting 2024

Notice of Annual General Meeting by Electronic Means

Take notice that the Annual Meeting of the Members of the
Peace River Community Soup Kitchen
will be held as follows:

DATE: Thursday, February 15, 2024

TIME: 6:00pm MST

LOCATION: Zoom Meeting

Email to Receive Documents and Zoom Invite


The purpose of the meeting is to:

1. Authorize the Directors

2.Receive the Audited Financial Statements for 2023

3. Appoint the Auditors for 2024

4. Accept new membership applications

Please email peacerivercsk@outlook.com to receive the meeting documents by Tuesday Feb 13, 2024.  If you are not a member please request application form and submit for review at meeting.  Zoom link for meeting will be provided.












Notice of 2nd Annual

General Meeting


Notice of Annual General Meeting by Electronic Means

Take notice that the Annual Meeting of the Members of the
Peace River Community Soup Kitchen
will be held as follows:

DATE: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 6:30 PM.

TIME: 6:30pm MST

LOCATION: Zoom Meeting

Email to Receive Documents and Zoom Invite


The purpose of the meeting is to:

1. Authorize the Directors for 2022

2. Receive the Audited Financial Statements for 2021

3. Appoint the Auditors for 2022 finances

4. Accept new membership applications

Please email peacerivercsk@outlook.com to receive the meeting documents
by Monday Feb 14, 2022.
If you are not a member and wish to be, please request application form
and submit for review at meeting.
Zoom link and reports for meeting will be provided.



Notice of Annual

General Meeting 2021

Notice of Annual General Meeting by Electronic Means

Take notice that the Annual Meeting of the Members of the
Peace River Community Soup Kitchen
will be held as follows:

DATE: Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 6:30 PM.

TIME: 6:30pm MST

LOCATION: Zoom Meeting

Email to Receive Documents and Zoom Invite


The purpose of the meeting is to:

1. Authorize the Directors

2.Receive the Audited Financial Statements for 2020

3. Appoint the Auditors for 2021

4. Accept new membership applications

Please email peacerivercsk@outlook.com to receive the meeting documents by Monday Feb 15, 2021.  If you are not a member please request application form and submit for review at meeting.  Zoom link for meeting will be provided.




As of Oct. 7th we have returned to the St James Lower Hall. We continue to serve patrons with a bagged lunch.

As of Oct. 16th the restaurants are providing sandwiches again. We are keeping our volunteers safe by using masks, socially distancing and of course hand sanitizing.





Changes as of April 19th, 2020

The St. James lower Hall was in the flood area on Saturday night and therefore we will not be able to conduct a Soup Kitchen from St. James.

Soup Kitchen got permission from Sagitawa to run out of the Ground Level Youth Centre in the interim. The location of the youth centre is north of the Co-op.


Changes as of March 18th, 2020

Volunteers for Soup Kitchen:

We are changing our operation starting this Friday and until further notice. Volunteers will prepare and handout BAGGED LUNCHES to patrons at the door. We are not inviting them in to eat. However, if they want to come in and wash their hands and use the toilet, they can come in and use the facilities and THEN receive their lunch bag on their way out.

Volunteers are asked to wipe down and clean the bathrooms after soup kitchen. I will post this announcement in the kitchen for reference. I will also have the list of things that go into the bags. (We are in experiment mode right now as we figure out what goes in the bags.) PLEASE keep a count, as we may have to increase our number of sandwiches. If there is LEFT-OVER sandwiches or lunch bags will go to Margaret Davie who will hand them out at the Salvation Army on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Any suggestions or questions, please contact Wanda Laurin (wlaurin@telusplanet.net).